The US Pirate Party holds monthly planning meeting over IRC, with dates announced a week in advance. To participate in the meetings: Go to; Fill out the web form with the Nickname of your choice and enter #uspp in the Channel box next to it, then click the Connect button

Maxime Bernier’s right-wing People’s Party of Canada is the outlier - the only party that disputes the science saying that human activity is the cause of climate change. TransCanada cancelled it in 2017, after stiff protests and a federal change in the approval process. platforms on manufacturing and housing updated • Conservative Pirate Parties | Pirate Parties International Pirate Party of Ukraine Former ordinary members Ireland – was a founding Member of PPI, dissolved in March 2011 and was declared a non member by the CoA in June 2012. Platform | United States Pirate Party However now the United States Pirate Party, in common with many other Pirate Parties, is drafting policies on a variety of different issues. We need your help in deciding positions on every policy that matters to US voters. Please attend a PNC meeting to see how you can join our Platform Committee.

The European Pirate Party (PPEU) is a European political party founded in March 2014 which consists of various pirate parties within European countries.. Pirates without Borders. Pirates Without Borders is an international association of pirates. Unlike Pirate Parties International (which accepts only parties as voting members and organizations as observing members), Pirates Without Borders

The United States Pirate Party (USPP) is an American political party founded in 2006 by Brent Allison and Alex English. The party's platform is aligned with the global Pirate movement, and supports reform of copyright laws to reflect open source and free culture values, government transparency, protection of privacy and civil liberties.The United States Pirate Party also advocates for evidence CORE POLICY OF THE ICELANDIC PIRATE PARTY - Píratar Þingflokkur Pírata samanstendur af 6 þingmönnum eftir Alþingiskosningarnar 2017 þar sem Píratar fengu 9,2% kjörinna atkvæða.. Sjá alla. Þingmál. Þingskjöl þar sem þingmenn Pírata eru málshefjendur á vef Alþingis. Below you can find the core policy of The Pirate Party …

Rick Ralkvinge (Founder of the first Pirate Party - Sweden, Germany, Austria) comes on the show to talk about why he started the Pirate Party - Jeff B 01-04-16 -- Rick Falkvinge - Jeff Berwick - Davi Barker -- - Freedoms Phoenix

Mar 12, 2017 2019 federal election: Compare the party platforms Maxime Bernier’s right-wing People’s Party of Canada is the outlier - the only party that disputes the science saying that human activity is the cause of climate change. TransCanada cancelled it in 2017, after stiff protests and a federal change in the approval process. platforms on manufacturing and housing updated • Conservative Pirate Parties | Pirate Parties International Pirate Party of Ukraine Former ordinary members Ireland – was a founding Member of PPI, dissolved in March 2011 and was declared a non member by the CoA in June 2012. Platform | United States Pirate Party However now the United States Pirate Party, in common with many other Pirate Parties, is drafting policies on a variety of different issues. We need your help in deciding positions on every policy that matters to US voters. Please attend a PNC meeting to see how you can join our Platform Committee.