Aug 09, 2019 · KDE connect offers multimedia control option that let you control Audio/Video that is running on your Ubuntu PC. For instance, if you run any music on your Ubuntu PC, you will following notification in your android mobile’s notification area. You can simply control it from your mobile.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS was released recently and I quickly installed and began doing some testing… and the steps below is how I disable and enable desktop notifications… Ubuntu notifications are there to get your attention, notify you of events and display popup messages at the top of your screen. Ubuntu plans to make the complete transition about a year from now with Ubuntu 11.04. Ubuntu’s netbook edition will actually depreciate the notification area even earlier with 10.10. The notification area in Ubuntu is to be removed by Ubuntu 11.04 the Canonical design team have announced. Labelled as ‘ineffective’ and ‘inconsistent’ Ubuntu will instead be encouraging applications to make use of panel menus that assemble related applications into one area. Apr 30, 2011 · Ubuntu 11.4 Notification Area There is a way to workaround this though as Unity maintains a default white-list of applications that are permitted in the notification area. To see the current notification white-list open the Terminal and type the following: Nov 06, 2019 · A new shield Icon will appear in the tool notification area, close to the networking, sound, and power icons. The green circle with the tick tells you all is well. Click the icon to access the menu. Mar 12, 2017 · The default GNOME notification area is slap-bang centre top of the screen, a position that makes it hard to miss notifications and alerts. But sometimes, with too many notifications, it can also make it hard to work, especially with maximised windows.

Ubuntu 18.04 LTS was released recently and I quickly installed and began doing some testing… and the steps below is how I disable and enable desktop notifications… Ubuntu notifications are there to get your attention, notify you of events and display popup messages at the top of your screen.

Jun 25, 2010 · Ubuntu has planned to remove the notification area because, according to it, the notification area is ineffective in notifying people about changes. The graphics on the notification area is also buggy and breaks too often. Instead, the notification area will display system status menus and messages.

Confirmed on Ubuntu 16.10 (though it's old and in need of cleanup) and Mint 18.2 (this one's quite fresh), both 64b; Franz version: 5.0.0-beta.14. Specifically, there is an icon, but it is mostly transparent and doesn't really look like Franz logo (see attachments - there are no notifications at the moment of taking both screenshots; when there

Feb 18, 2011 · The NotifyOSD in Ubuntu does a good job in providing a growl like notification bubble when new event arrive. This is useful if you are always on your computer. If you leave your PC and new notification appears and gone, you won’t be able to know that what you have missed when you return.