Feb 02, 2013 · After 6-8 discs, AutoPlay does not respond AND FIleExplorer does not respond and update the left pane with the inserted DVD. As I stated above, Windows 8 doesn't seem to realize that a disc was inserted. This only happens after inserting 6-8 discs (it varies widely) and requires a reboot for Windows 8 to recognize disc insertion again.

更新以限制Windows Vista中的AutoRun - … 在Windows 10 / 8下启用,禁用自动播放 使用Autorun Eater从USB中删除autorun.inf Windows 7,Windows Vista中的新运行时命令和快捷方式 使用信息权限管理服务限制对文档的访问 Enable USB Flash Autorun in Windows 8 with APUSB 47 The autorun feature in Windows has been heavily misused by malicious application to such an extent that Microsoft finally decided to disable it in Windows 7 and later in Windows 8. If you are using any of these versions of Windows and you insert a USB flash disk with autorun.inf file designed to launch a program, then Windows will simple ignore it.

All Autorun.inf files must have an [autorun] section. An optional [autorun.alpha] section can be included for systems running on RISC-based computers. When a disc is inserted in a CD-ROM drive on a RISC-based system, the Shell will run the commands in this section instead of those in the [autorun] section.

2016-8-1 · Windows Autorun Disable禁用Windows自动运行 防止可能的恶意软件渗透,如USB存储设备,或通过 CD/DVD 光盘驱动器包含受感染的光盘系统的 Windows 功能。因为你要做的所有的程序是非常易于使用是选择的驱动器上应该禁用哪些自动运行,以及

2020-6-4 · Since Windows XP, Windows comes with 'AutoPlay' and 'AutoRun' features. AutoPlay will show you a popup dialog whenever you insert external media (drive, CD, DVD, etc.) to choose what to do with your inserted media. AutoRun, on the other hand, allows a file on your removable media to automatically run once the media is inserted into your computer.

What is Autorun.dll used for? Autorun.dll file, also known as Autorun Wizard Pages, is commonly associated with Microsoft® Windows® Operating System. It is an essential component, which ensures that Windows programs operate properly. Thus, if the autorun.dll file is missing, it may negatively affect the work of the associated software.