Jan 18, 2017

How to connect two routers on the same network - TechSpot Jan 18, 2017 Can I Attach Two Routers To One Modem? - Snippets You can but it makes no sense to attach two routers. It would actually be better to attach two modems to one router. Having two routers even if it is for different internet services and what not makes no sense. You will just need one router and that will be sufficient.

Can I connect two Wireless Routers to one Cable Modem?

Jan 15, 2009

Solved: Can I connect a second router to the coax cable

You can but it makes no sense to attach two routers. It would actually be better to attach two modems to one router. Having two routers even if it is for different internet services and what not makes no sense. You will just need one router and that will be sufficient. Two modems and one router? - Computing.Net Normally you only get to have one modem which is provisioned by the provider. Additonally you only get one ip address. the people at comcast told me. you need to have your own router to have a wireless signal. if you dont have your own router and can connect wirelessly then you are using someone else's wireless signal. if you have your own How To Use Two Wireless Routers In The Same House