Aug 21, 2019

Freedom Rides | The Martin Luther King, Jr., Research and During the spring of 1961, student activists from the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) launched the Freedom Rides to challenge segregation on interstate buses and bus terminals. Traveling on buses from Washington, D.C., to Jackson, Mississippi, the riders met violent opposition in the Deep South, garnering extensive media attention and eventually forcing federal intervention from John F Watch Freedom Riders | American Experience | Official Site May 16, 2011

The Freedom Riders Reunite on 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' - Video

The Freedom Rides Made the Most of a Multiracial Activist Base A mob of racists beats Freedom Riders in Birmingham, Alabama on May 14, 1961. Tommy Langston, Birmingham Post-Herald / Wikimedia Commons. According to Arsenault’s history, the Klansmen yelled racial epithets and shouted “Dirty Communists!” and “Sig heil!” as they surrounded the bus. Passengers were able to close the door from the Freedom Riders - Stetson Today

Feb 23, 2010

Freedom Riders (2010) - IMDb Directed by Stanley Nelson. With Raymond Arsenault, Genevieve Houghton, Gordon Carey, Derek Catsam. The story of the Civil Rights Movement interstate busing protest campaign.