Microsoft a lucrat cu Novell Inc pentru a sprijini Silverlight pentru Linux, numit Moonlight, și proiectul a început pe Dezvoltarea a fost oprită în 2012 din cauza succesului slab al proiectului Silverlight.

Silverlight is a powerful development tool for creating engaging, interactive user experiences for Web and mobile applications. Silverlight is a free plug-in, powered by the .NET framework and compatible with multiple browsers, devices and operating systems, bringing a new level of interactivity wherever the Web works. Microsoft Silverlight(マイクロソフト・シルバーライト)は、マイクロソフトが開発したウェブブラウザ用のプラグイン。 HTML5への移行により2021年10月12日でサポートが終了する A Microsoft hivatalosan az Internet Explorer, a Mozilla Firefox, a Chrome, valamint a Safari böngészők friss változatait támogatta. Az Opera böngésző a gyakorlati tapasztalatok alapján többnyire alkalmas – kisebb-nagyobb fennakadásokkal – Silverlight alkalmazások futtatására, de hivatalos támogatást nem kapott. Microsoft gick ut med ett officiellt uttalande 2013 att Microsoft Silverlight ej längre kommer att utvecklas från årsskiftet. Referenser [ redigera | redigera wikitext ] Den här artikeln är helt eller delvis baserad på material från engelskspråkiga Wikipedia , tidigare version . Microsoft a lucrat cu Novell Inc pentru a sprijini Silverlight pentru Linux, numit Moonlight, și proiectul a început pe Dezvoltarea a fost oprită în 2012 din cauza succesului slab al proiectului Silverlight.

Microsoft Silverlight

Microsoft Silverlight adalah sebuah plug-in lintas browser dan lintas-platform untuk menyajikan pengalaman media berbasis .NET generasi selanjutnya serta aplikasi-aplikasi web yang interaktif. Silverlight dapat menghantarkan RIA ( Rich Internet Application ) seperti video , audio , dan animasi yang menarik dan interaktif.

Microsoft Silverlight is an application framework for writing and running rich internet applications that was actively developed and marketed by Microsoft from 2007 to 2012. This is a technical overview of the platform's history.

Microsoft advised everyone to stop using Silverlight entirely in 2015, indicating that support for the software would eventually cease. By 2018, less than 0.1% of all websites used Silverlight. Silverlight è un ambiente di runtime sviluppato da Microsoft per piattaforme Windows e Mac che consente di visualizzare, all'interno del browser, Rich Internet application, ovvero applicazioni multimediali ad alta interattività. Silverlight 1: 2007年9月6日 2010年10月12日まで Silverlight 2 2008年10月14日 2010年10月12日まで Silverlight 3 2009年7月11日 2011年4月12日まで Silverlight 4 2010年4月16日 2013年1月8日まで Silverlight 5 2011年12月6日 2021年10月12日まで Microsoft Silverlight: Logo programu Pierwsze wydanie 5 września 2007 Aktualna wersja stabilna: 5 Build 5.1.50905.0 (14 marca 2017) Silverlight enthält einen Mediaplayer, der die Formate Windows Media Video (WMV), VC-1 Video Standard, HDV, Windows Media Audio (WMA) und MP3 unterstützt. Silverlight-Anwendungen werden in der Regel mit Microsoft Expression Blend und Visual Studio entwickelt. Microsoft Silverlight is geschreven in C++ en C# en kan gezien worden als een concurrent voor Adobe Flash. In november 2011 werd de uitfasering van Silverlight aangekondigd ten gunste van HTML5, dat volgens Microsoft meer succes zou hebben in de toekomst, hoewel HTML5 nog niet alle mogelijkheden bood die Silverlight had, zoals live streaming. Silverlight demands to be installed but when I try is says it is already installed and demands to be installed. It is a malicious virus which has disabled my computer. I need to know how to remove it.