Host OS is Win2k3 Server Standard Edition, client access software is RDP (the WinXP RDP client). We are using mstsc /console to access the console session -- the problem is that when you close the

Sep 25, 2018 · 1. You can't connect to a server via RDP using a normal domain user. This is both by default, and you are violating License terms if you change it so you can. 2. Home does not allow you to RDP into a server using a domain admin account. 3. Kerbous Encryption is required to connect to RDP to a server as admin console due to recent security patch.. Oct 19, 2010 · 1. Open the all users, specific users or groups, or all users except administrators Local Group Policy Editor for how you want this policy applied. 2. In the left pane, click on to expand User Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, Remote Desktop Services, Remote Desktop Session Host, and Session Time Limits. How to enable keep alives on Windows 2012 RDS is very simple. On GPO or Local TS go to. Open GPO Editor. Computer Configuration \ Administrative Templates \ Windows Components \ Remote Desktop Session Host / Connections. configure keep-alive connections interval – Enabled. Keep-Alive interval: 1 Host OS is Win2k3 Server Standard Edition, client access software is RDP (the WinXP RDP client). We are using mstsc /console to access the console session -- the problem is that when you close the

Aug 09, 2015 · I too was experiencing disconnection with RDP with the Windows 10 Build 10586. I have to connect to Server 2008R2 and remote desktop is the only way. I was losing connection after about 40 sec. The FIX: After 5 days of attempting to find an answer on this forum and other threads on the Web, I got something to work. Start RDP.

May 26, 2017 · Local Computer Policy\Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\Windows Components\Remote Desktop Services\Remote Desktop Session Host\Connections In the right pane double-click on Configure keep-alive connection interval , selected Enabled , and changed the Keep-Alive interval to 2 as per one of the posting here that suggested it might improve by no luck. The "keep alive" still works when used locally the workstation locks, and never goes to sleep. However soon as somebody RDP's to the workstation it seems like it stops functioning. I thought maybe this was because my original script used a mouse movement to keep the computer awake and with RDP the mouse may not exist when you are not active in May 22, 2010 · Use this for Windows sessions, RDP, remote control - whatever; Keep your session active! I run processes that take hours to complete. They don't offer feedback or a progress bar, and require no input for them to continue on their merry way.

If the remote system is still reachable and functioning, it will acknowledge the keep alive transmission. KeepAliveTime is set by default to be 7,200,000, which is 2 hours. In the registry at HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters, create or edit the DWORD value of TcpMaxDataRetransmissions.

How To: Change the operating system's 'keepalive' settings Summary. The UNIX, Linux and Windows operating systems use a 'keepalive' setting to test idle TCP connections and ensure they are still active.