Local Area Network connection doesn't have a valid IP

Locate IP Address Lookup Show on Map City of the IP 207.46 Free Google Locate IP Address and Domain Lookup Service with Whois Map, Country Map, Region Map ,City Map and free XML Interface to query Whois Geolocate information. for the IP address and the Hostname msnbot-207-46-13-37.search.msn.com How to See All Devices on Your Network With nmap on Linux Jul 05, 2019 Linksys Official Support - Checking the local IP address

In computer networking, a link-local address is a network address that is valid only for communications within the network segment or the broadcast domain that the host is connected to. Link-local addresses are most often assigned automatically with a process known as stateless address autoconfiguration or link-local address autoconfiguration, also known as automatic private IP addressing

"Openspot2.local and IP will not work." The above method only works when the device is in AP mode. Once the device has been configured to a local wifi router the ip address will change to that routers block of ip's i.e. 192.168.1.xxx If you allow the system to assign your socket's local IP address and port number, the LocalEndPoint property will be set after the first I/O operation. For connection-oriented protocols, the first I/O operation would be a call to the Connect or Accept method. For connectionless protocols, the first I/O operation would be any of the send or

Link-local address - Wikipedia

Identify Network Hardware IP Addresses on Local Network Jul 10, 2020