We have more than 160 logon scripts, and it seems that one logon script maps a drive, and then another remaps the drive somewhere else. To make matters worse, when we go to the workstation and make the drive-mapping persistent, they seem to disappear for no reason. I am at my wit’s end.

This is a simple PowerShell script that will make it easy to map a network drive as a different user. Before running the script below in PowerShell you need to change the following: If needed change -Name “Z” to another drive letter Replace \\REMOTESERVER\SHARE with the share path you want mapped Replace DOMAINNAME with your domain name […] Auto Reconnect Mapped Network Drive in Windows 10, Windows 8 & Windows 7. A nagging issue in Windows where your mapped network drives simply won't reconnect and tips on how to fix this problem. Forcing Windows shared folders to connect on startup. Oct 06, 2017 · This subject is not directly related to virtualisation. However, it can be useful when you are not going to utilise Group Policy, and still need to automate drive mapping. The old school net use &l… (Optional) Export your existing group policy configuration which contains the network drive configuration to an xml file. Upload the configuration or generate a new one from scratch in the intune-drive-mapping-generator. Download your generated PowerShell script. Deploy the PowerShell script with Microsoft Intune. View this project on GitHub The New-PSDrive cmdlet creates temporary and persistent drives that are mapped to or associated with a location in a data store, such as a network drive, a directory on the local computer, or a registry key, and persistent Windows mapped network drives that are associated with a file system location on a remote computer. Temporary drives exist only in the current PowerShell session and in Jan 29, 2003 · VBS script to map a network drive to a network share to a Windows 2003 Server. Create a logon script using the MapNetworkDrive method. Examples to Map a UNC path to local drive letter Jan 08, 2018 · I'd like to create a Special Logon Script via the GPO where some Network drives needs to be mapped for the users. So the GPO applies to the Clients without any issue and the drives are properly mapped.

Nov 10, 2014 · Forticlient Configuration Script-Mapping Network Drives I'm using Forticlient 5.2 and have been trying to tailor a configuration for the Forticlient that will on connect, run a vbscript and map network drives and then on disconnect, run a command to clear those drives.

Apr 15, 2006 · Troubleshooting Logon Scripts – Assign logon script; Summary Map Network Drive ♦ Our Mission. Our mission is to create scripts, which provide access to Windows network resources. Users and some applications, prefer to connect to a mapped network drive letter, than type the UNC path in the Run dialog box. Tomalak's answer worked great for me (+1). I only needed to make alter it slightly for my purposes, and I didn't need a password - it's for corporate domain: Option Explicit Dim l: l = "Z:" Dim s: s = "\\\share" Dim Network: Set Network = CreateObject("WScript.Network") Dim CheckDrive: Set CheckDrive = Network.EnumNetworkDrives() Dim DriveExists: DriveExists = False Dim i For i = 0

.MapNetworkDrive. Add a shared network drive mapping. Syntax objNetwork.MapNetworkDrive(strLocalDrive, strRemoteShare, [persistent], [strUser], [strPassword]) Key objNetwork : A WScript.network object strLocalDrive : The drive letter (e.g. L:) strRemoteShare : The UNC path to the remote drive \\MyServer\MyPrinter (String value) persistent : True/False - store the mapping persistently in the

I have a network drive that I have mapped as a drive on my toshiba nb205 notebook. It works fine with one exception, boot-up time. When the notebook is booted it can never connect to the mapped drive, if I manually open the drive it will then connect and be fine. This is a simple PowerShell script that will make it easy to map a network drive as a different user. Before running the script below in PowerShell you need to change the following: If needed change -Name “Z” to another drive letter Replace \\REMOTESERVER\SHARE with the share path you want mapped Replace DOMAINNAME with your domain name […] Auto Reconnect Mapped Network Drive in Windows 10, Windows 8 & Windows 7. A nagging issue in Windows where your mapped network drives simply won't reconnect and tips on how to fix this problem. Forcing Windows shared folders to connect on startup. Oct 06, 2017 · This subject is not directly related to virtualisation. However, it can be useful when you are not going to utilise Group Policy, and still need to automate drive mapping. The old school net use &l…